Welcome to Monday, 23 August Conversation

 Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

served with 

To be totally honest, I am completely unable to remember if I have previously posted the following. I have not been thorough enough in clearing older items from my ‘notes’ file. If it is a repeat, we will just consider it a Monday faux paus.

My wife is turning 32 this Monday. I’ve told her not to get her hopes up for her birthday. 
“After all,” I said, “The celebrations are only going to last half a minute.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
I said, “It’s your thirty-second birthday.”

The reason I find the joke amusing is ProgenyE only has a two minute birthday. He was born at 11:58PM. 🤓😎😂 Trust my word when I tell you there have been a few years he was made to wait until 11:58PM.😲😳😟