well hell

The other day I mentioned a little something about a new boat launch well there it is

the weather says no fishing today boy ( well hell ) a day off from family stuff

file the situation under some Mike Tyson lingo

“everyone got a plan until they get punched in the mouth”

and another thing comes to mind

the bastards want us to wear masks made in CHINA

to protect us from a virus made in CHINA

so people can go buy shit from walmart

that’s made in CHINA

( what the hell )

Before I get to the reason of this post wanna know something else about CHINA

as you know CHINA had a one child policy for many years,

they put more value on boy babies then girl babies

which means the natural order of things went way out of whack, say you are young horny chinaman that wants to marry, and have a family by the grace of the CHINESE government

but you cannot find a wife… simply because she doesn’t exit so here we are, CHINA is on the march for WORLD domination using horny chinamen coming to take our apply pie

so where does America draw the line…

some humor there on not a very humorous situation

moving on yet not finished with CHINA

don’t know if you know this

about 90% of the materials I use for leather crafting is made in America

the dyes, the threads , oils and conditioners even the hides

but there you have to inquire or you will get CHINA junk

the other day I noticed my scrap pile was getting out of hand ,I better make some small stuff for control purposes

put an edge on my skiver blade opps

Skiving is when you want to thin leather ( well hell)

you think that’s sharp, there’s a few I’d like to watch them run thier tongues over my kitchen knives

America could save a bunch money without having to go to Geico

for what I wanted that piece is trashed

but not garbage, can still make a couple key fobs

just respect for the animal as to not waste

I own some stuff from Simms fishin

( ok more then some stuff )

let’s do a match up of sorts

theirs can keep a can cold …but what do you with the can while out in bush when it’s empty?

mine can hold tinder or matches or other little things that need to stay dry or hold hot coffee or other liquids durabilty?

mine will will be around long after I’ve gone onto other adventures

I do have some items not made in America

such as this Made in America stamp and I use it

it’s made in Taiwan

ever see the protests on Taiwan

it’s not a Communist flag they march with

pretty cool seeing our standard displayed in such a way

We are the good guys

don’t ever forget that