Who you going to trust

with a coffee, the lake and the mooching Lardass it was a quit morning until a flock of geese flew overheard had to be 50/60 making all kinds of racket with thier honking

translation :

where we going?, slo down, my wings hurt … are we there yet?

They flew off South that way ( waves hand ) thinking Non-hackers or they could be flying the coop from Canada

Thousands of outraged citizens gathered in the streets of Montreal on Saturday to protest the coming implementation of a vaccine passport system that is set to rollout on September first

the media said there were only hundreds, they must use common core math

here we have the media doing what they do best

Australian Charles de La Roche began the newspaper in 1901

still read newspapers?

some extra stuff:

as kid or all growed up

you would read the comics or about local events your fingers would stay clean

not anymore!

back then the ink was oil based which means it actually dried on the paper now days they use a soy-based formula which leaves your fingers black from rub- off

Nature is both beautiful and terrifying