4-Year-Old on Disney….

4-Year-Old on Disney Trip Reminds Us Reports of Chivalry Being Dead Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Sister Toldjah for Red State. 9-17, 2021 4:45 PM ET

(AP Photo/John Raoux, File)

For the last several decades, so-called “women’s rights activists” have waged persistent, bigoted campaigns to let the men of America know that not only are they not appreciated, but that they believe everything men do has some type of hidden sexist/misogynistic meaning.

I could not have stated it better than the foregoing paragraph!!!

It’s gotten so bad to the point that you have men out there who are so beaten down by this constant drumbeat of Angry Woman rhetoric that they don’t even know how to act around women, afraid to give them even the most benign of compliments no matter the setting, second-guessing the thought of opening doors for them, of offering to pay for the dinner when they’re out on a date, of tipping their hats out of respect, and the list goes on and on.

Again, better stated than I could have!

This has led to conversations from time to time among sane women, you know, the ones who didn’t cut their teeth on man-hating feminism, about whether or not chivalry is either on its way out the door or dead altogether.

Fortunately, it’s nowhere close to dead, and we see examples of it every day. But one of the cuter recent examples didn’t come from an adult male but from a 4-year-old boy, who captured the hearts of many after his mother shared a short video clip of what he did as a parade of Disney princesses walked by him during a trip to Disney World:

Florida resident Vanessa Guedert posted the footage to TikTok last week of her son Bernardo kindly tipping his hat to Snow White and others, as they strolled by in a parade.

More than 30 million viewed the video with many commenting how it brought them to tears, and that the 4-year-old is “a true gentleman.”

Watch the adorable video below:

@vanessaguedertDisney’s true prince! 🥰💙👑 #disney #disneyprincess #disneytiktok #disneyworld #princess #disneyprince #prince #foryoua thousand years (lullaby) – Christina Perri

Now that is how it’s done, y’all. I feel confident in predicting that this young man is destined to be even more of a heartbreaker when he gets older.

To pull out my ‘ranting stool’, parents have allowed society to poorly influence their parenting decisions!! In an attempt to be seen as ‘mainstream’, they have abdicated the teaching of their progeny basic appropriate behavior.

Having made that accusation, let me say non parental adults are, by example, equally guilty. Anecdotal to my accusation is the number of times I watched ProgenyE hold a door open for an adult and receive nary an acknowledgement of his existence, much less his polite gesture. It is called ‘reinforcement’. By acknowledging the correct behavior, that good behavior is reinforced. I really should not have to write that.
I will now put my ranting stool away.