As the stomach churns


it still defines if one is from the East or West

two cultures on a collusion course once again

the posted picture is Basil Poledouris

his music is fitting for such a clash of cultures

As you read

one can hear the lamination of your neighbors

Child brides have arrived in the United States because of Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal and frantic evacuation of Afghans.

According to the Associated Press, several “much older” Afghan men arrived to Wisconsin with young girls they claimed as “brides.

U.S. officials are looking into reports that in the frantic evacuation of desperate Afghans from Kabul, older men were admitted together with young girls they claimed as “brides” or otherwise sexually abused.

U.S. officials at intake centers in the United Arab Emirates and in Wisconsin have identified numerous incidents in which Afghan girls have been presented to authorities as the “wives” of much older men. While child marriage is not uncommon in Afghanistan, the U.S. has strict policies against human trafficking that include prosecutions for offenders and sanctions for countries that don’t crack down on it.

One internal document seen by The Associated Press says the State Department has sought “urgent guidance” from other agencies after purported child brides were brought to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Another document, described to the AP by officials familiar with it, says Afghan girls at a transit site in Abu Dhabi have alleged they have been raped by older men they were forced to marry in order to escape Afghanistan.

Islam does not assimilate

This guy, his name was William Eaton

He’s quoted as saying

” the only language these people understand is TERROR “