Does this align with the 80 million who apparently voted for Biden. /s Or the number of Americans who remained in Afghanistan in August, of which, no one in the Biden Administration could provide a concrete count. Or subsequent to the August 31 final withdrawal of the US troops; as Secretary Blinken stated only 100 to 200 Americans at most remained.
… of August 30, 2021
Flight takes about 200, including Americans, out of Kabul – September 10 – http://Flight takes about 200, including Americans, out of Kabul
So, does that mean all the Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan? Not, if we count the six commercial flights sitting on the runway in Mazar-e-Sharif waiting for the Taliban to authorize their release.

So, yes, numbers seems to be extremely challenging for this Administration. And I would daresay, they are off in their un-vaccinated count by at least 100 million and quite possibly 150 million. It would appear the Numbers have been reversed – there are approximately 250 million un-vaccinated Americans.
The current population is approximately 327 million and the Biden Administration would like you to believe 247 million have been vaccinated. Nope, sorry Mr. Biden – only about 80 million have received at least one injection and of the 80 million, approximately 50% of them have received 2 injections. My source remains – confidential. However, considering the deaths and injuries to date, as a result of the vaccine/injection, we remain appreciative of your incompetence, in this case.
Holy moly, are your handlers ever getting angry, now. Little wonder you are un-Constitutionally threatening private corporations, Governors, public employees – Your Body, MY choice.