Invictus Maneo

Invictus is  Latin word that means

unconquerable, undefeated, or unvanquished

Maneo is the Latin word for

I stay, I remain, I last or I endure

A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived blood kinship. In other words, a tribe or an extended family. The name unifies people and gives a unified purpose. In its most ideal form, is a group of people who look out for each other’s interests.

“Carry the Fire”

is a metaphor not only for the will to live, but to live nobly.

It’s an embrace of human goodness. It’s having hope when all seems hopeless. The good guys carry the fire; the bad guys don’t. In the current situation, moral lapses might be excused and rationalized

as the difference between life and death.

It is reminder to choose virtue over vice, decency over dereliction, and hope over hopelessness. To continue carrying the fire of goodness and honor that has been passed down to you as well as to pass it down to the next generation.