Malarkey- Fauci/Football

Fauci vs. Football

Who: Fauci
What: Contracted a breakthrough case of ‘the sads’ over fans filling football stadiums once again.

Land Of The Free
David Hookstead wrote: “Fauci can go on CNN to critique the situation all he wants, but it’s not going to change anything. Fans have made their decisions and we’ve decided that we accept the risks of attending games. At this point, there’s no going back.”

Travis-ty of Justice
Clay Travis tweet: “CNN is mad at college football fans for going to games too. You knew this was coming. Left wing losers in this country never want normalcy to return. Fight them by going to games and living your best life.” 

Tim Brando begging to get canceled: “I don’t always agree with Clay, but I sure do here. I was at a packed @TexasFootball Stadium and the reality is if you know how to take care of yourself you and your family should be fine. We don’t need media elite running our lives for us.”

Dumping On Deplorables 
Charlie Kirk tweet: “Want to know why college football games are being labeled super spreaders even though the US Open was not? Because thousands of fans at the US Open weren’t chanting ‘F**k Joe Biden’ for the whole country to see.”

The Long & Winding Road
Kevin Sorbo tweet: “The hardest part of 14 days to flatten the curve is the first 18 months.”

For those of you who may have missed the “F**k Joe Biden football chants, here is one sample.

It happened at multiple games on Saturday.🤓😎😂