Malarkey-Ignorance Is..

Time for another look at the view from the progressives. This time on their ‘virtuousness’.

Ignorance Is Virtuous?
The Rise Of ‘See No Evil’ NIMBYism

Out of Sight? Yep. Out of Their Minds? Definitely!
You may have noticed that virtue-signaling does not equal virtuousness, just like Antifa isn’t exactly anti-fascist and ‘Love Trumps Hate’ Prius stickers don’t mean libs are nice or tolerant.

So here’s how you know Biden and the cosmopolitan elites are full o’ malarkey — not righteousness — on their supposed top priorities.

See No Evil (Except Deplorables): Everyone needs to be vaccinated. So let’s just leave the border barn door wide open to randos and get back to bullying our own people in the name of science!

Joe Be NIMBY: Don’t drill for oil here, because of climate (also science!). So let’s just be at the mercy of frenemies (at best) who produce oil less safely and charge us more.

Gun Control
Leave The Guns…: Less guns for law-abiding Americans means more for the trustworthy Taliban!

Where Pride Died: Woke Americans fanatical about policing ‘tolerance’ domestically. So let’s hop into bed with the Taliban, who aren’t exactly down with the agenda. 

NBC: “‘A virtual death sentence’: Gay Afghans brace for uncertain future under Taliban”

iNews: “LGBT Afghans hide from the Taliban in Kabul: ‘I don’t want them to kill me like they killed my boyfriend’”

Daily Mail: “Gay man is ‘raped and beaten by the Taliban in Kabul after he was duped into meeting them’”

Daily Mail: “‘The Taliban will enjoy killing us’: Gay man trapped in Afghanistan says extremists ‘are hunting us – they will set us on fire, behead or stone us’”

Biden To Taliban: Did we just become best friends? Yep!

Not Kenny Rogers: “Tonight’s schedule for the Taliban now that America has left:

8pm – Gender equality town hall

9pm – Gay rights open forum

10pm – Kill everyone who spoke at the previous two meetings 

11:30pm – Watch Stephen Colbert”

Tuesday Truth
The good guys in life typically don’t insist upon themselves.