Matthew 7:16 = Alice Cooper

This is Dave

Dave Mustaine

At a recent Megadeth concert, lead singer Dave Mustaine called out the tyranny of our government and reminded people that they have the power to push back.

“Is there anybody here besides me who’s having a great fucking time?” Mustaine asked, to which the crowd responded with an affirmative roar.

“But I just wanna tell you how great it is — look around you guys, look to your right, look to your left, and look how wonderful this is,” Mustaine continued. “We’re all here together, we’re not in fucking bags, you know? We’re not freaking out, and we’re not yelling at people: ‘Where’s your fucking mask?’”

“Where’s your mask, you loud cow?” the rocker asked a sarcastically, as the crowd began to chant, “USA! USA! USA!” and “Fuck Joe Biden!”

Mustaine said “it starts with this kind of sensation that we feel right now, where we feel together, we feel like there’s strength in numbers. We feel we are invincible. People will not be able to stop us.”

Dave came from Metalillca along time ago

He’s a Christian Conservative who was on the wrong path

Alice Cooper deserves much credit for getting Dave on his proper path

Heavy metal isn’t for everyone and that’s ok to

You cannot defeat a Man

that battles with himself every day