Now I ain’t sayin nothin about nothin I’m just sayin yaknow

just off the phone with the Armydog , he started right in saying it’s all my fault

using his words here

“am sorer then a wedding dink”

What the hell did I do?

” you an those damn peppers”

” she had me out there tillin up the garden in cold 48 degreee weather

while she’s sitting lookin at catalogs and keeping an on me.”

Don’t you blame me, you married her, this why you called to complain about your woman ?.

“No. she really liked your Sig”

Ohh well that’s probably my Sig is bigger than your Sig

some more chatter

I had enough, Dog get off my phone

I got stuff to do I’ll see what I can do later

Back to where I was in my thinking

Isn’t it a great time to be alive if you love the theater of the absurd

Here’s a scene we all know

With a song in my head

Dirty Deeds Done dirt cheap

there was a scene in that film

where the boys had to get rid of the different color of dirt

so they had filled socks and spread it around the prison compound as not to be noticed by guards

how could Patriots apply such a tactic?

instead of dirt Say one got asked to leave

business or employer who mandates the clot shot

Ready-Crete in socks while needing to use the restroom and calmly flush

as always wash your hands… after manners yaknow

Here’s a speech from 1958

I call them Commieratbastards for a reason and there it is