Pelosi, Democrats Push Media Hoax …

Pelosi, Democrats Push Media Hoax Claiming Border Patrol Agents on Horseback “Whipped” Black Haitians in Del Rio

Speaker Pelosi and countless Democrats pushed a media hoax claiming border patrol agents “whipped” Haitians in Del Rio.

Nearly 15,000 illegal aliens, mostly from Haiti, crossed the Rio Grande into Del Rio, Texas this weekend.

Border patrol agents on horseback *did their job* and corralled Haitian invaders after Abbott deployed troopers to clear the area.

The Democrats, with help from their stenographers in the media, claimed the federal agents were “whipping” the Haitians.

The “whips” were actually horse reins and none of the illegals were struck with the reins.

But when has the truth ever mattered to the Democrats? They’re liars by nature.

Pelosi popped off and spread the media hoax on Monday.

Border patrol released a statement in response to the hoax cooked up by the Democrat-media complex.

“Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons. Primarily it’s used to steer the horse, but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse…We are not aware of anyone being struck with the reins.”
September 20, 2021

Comment/Opinion: Another Pelosi Wrap-Up Smear?