
His words

When one of the elderly men said to him in his old age, inasmuch as he saw the good old customs falling into desuetude, and other mischievous prae tices creeping in, that for this reason everything was getting to be topsy-turvy , Agis said humorously, ‘Things are then but following a logical course if that is what is happening; for when I was a boy, I used to hear from my father that everything was topsy-turvy among them; and my father said that, when he was a boy, his father had said this to him; so nobody ought to be surprised if conditions later are worse than those earlier, but rather to wonder if they grow better or remain approximately the same

do woke teachers even know who Plutrach was?

or know Philosophy?

I just can see them woke teachers lookin at me like the queens body guard as I walk in the classroom

total contempt then set straight away

And then there’s the McCoy types always trying to pick my grey matter

Don’t underestimate me

I know more than I say

think more than I speak

notice more than you realize

A little something from Brazil