Queensland Australia Police …

Queensland Australia Police Have Two Weeks to Get Vaccinated or Get Out

Chickens coming home to roost?  The state of Queensland, Australia, (QLD) is located in the northeastern portion of the nation above the state of New South Wales. The biggest metropolitan areas are Brisbane to the south and Cairns to the north.  Like many states, and in alignment with the national plan, Queensland is mandating a vaccination upon citizens if they want to escape the rules and regulations of lockdowns and COVID compliance dictates.

Despite some initial signs of moderation, recently Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has fallen into line with the national government plan and has announced she is fully prepared to be just as big a totalitarian dictator as her neighboring Premiers to the west and south.  As a consequence, Premier Palaszczuk has decreed that all Queensland police units must be vaccinated within two weeks or they will lose their jobs.  WATCH:

The citizens of Queensland will take the mRNA immunity modification serum, aka “the jab”, or they will be discarded from society.   There is a relatively small faction of reasonable police who might have a problem with that.  However, if you look at the upcoming new classes of junior officers (pictured below), you’ll get an idea of where their mindset is.
September 22, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/09/22/queensland-australia-police-have-two-weeks-to-get-vaccinated-or-get-out/

Comment/Opinion: This will be interesting – life is easier, when you press your will on others; without having to hold the same standards of oneself.