Take a moment Chance collect your thoughts

Ok, I’ll do just that

standing out talking to bees

Summer is giving way to Fall

Mornings are crisp now, the nights have a chill requiring flannel shirts

I never noticed my hot pepper garden lady had Concord grapes growing back there still on bitter side

so a cool dark place for a week or so that’ll sweeten them up

I was gonna mention to the bees how the Biden regime has funded and ARMED mr. taliban with our fucking tax dollars, but like liberals

the bees seemed uninterested in world affairs

looking at the leaves on my blue sky

a story came to mind, you know the story…

but! in case you forgotten I’ll remind you

“It all began that day at Concord bridge, When from the valley fields and from the ridge

they left the plow, the axe upon the tree

Came to fight for Land and Liberty

And from the mantlepiece , the cabin-side

they took thier rifles hanging there with Pride

And fired the shots that echo through the years

That even now the would-be tyrant fears… So mark this well:

Free Men forever fall

When they have lost the Rifle on the wall”

J.B Wood

the more things change

the more they stay the same