They knew & did much worse

The US military knew there was going to be an attack at the Kabul Airport last week.

They let it happen

On Wednesday, August 25th the US State Department issued a warning to US nationals to avoid traveling to Hamid Karzai Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US told those waiting outside to leave immediately

“Yeah… it happened an hour after the last radio transmission about it. They said 10 minutes an IED is set to go off. 2 minutes an IED is set to go off. At 1627 an IED is going to go off. Then at 1730 something finally went off.”

“The S Vest (suicide vest) countdown is no lie. I head occasional radio chatter of them saying how far away the bomber was. Absolute incompetence. We had a Carl G and literally had to steal rounds because we were not given them…”