A Microcosm?

I don’t know if any of you are following what’s going on with the Loudoun county VA schools, but this editor is riveted. It seems to me that is ground zero in the fight to retake our public schools from the progressive ultra-leftists.

For those of you outside of Virginia, Loudoun county is in the northern part of the state and borders both Maryland and West Virginia. It is the third most populous county in the state. The county is one of the richest counties in the US.

Now on to the doings there, specifically news that Luke Rosiak broke over at the Daily Wire. His article is behind a paywall, however he lays out the issues in a lengthy twitter thread that I’ll post below. The thrust of the story, and it is truly horrifying, is that the man who was forcibly dragged from a school board meeting and arrested back in June was there to confront the board over the fact that his 9th grade daughter had been raped by a gender-fluid boy in the girl’s restroom at school. This was a direct result of the board’s policies.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the board and the Superintendent actively tried to cover up the rape. During the same meeting that saw the father of the rape victim arrested, “Dr.” Scott Zeigler, the superintendent, claimed there had been no issues arising from the school system’s trans bathroom policies. Either Zeigler was unaware of the 28 May rape or he was lying. I find it difficult to believe he hadn’t been informed, so that leaves one option.

Oh, but it gets worse. The rapist was transferred to another school and raped another girl.