If Politics Are Downstream From Pop Culture,…

If Politics Are Downstream From Pop Culture, Then What is FJB Telling Democrats

Andrew Breitbart famously said that politics was downstream from pop culture.  Andrew’s ability to engage any audience that generally didn’t care about politics, while displaying the Machiavellian manipulators in a way that was brutally effective, made him an enemy to those who avoid sunlight.

What we are seeing amid college football games, and recently any venue where a large audience is assembling, is really quite remarkable.  The cultural shift within the modern political sphere was triggered by Donald Trump; his election was the biggest middle finger to the elites, and ultimately the scale of his support amid a global population that was disenfranchised is why they needed to eliminate him.

The leftist Marxist’s have power.  However, their unquenchable lust for power, specifically showcased in their COVID-19 reaction, has put them in a place where they are in power but losing the cultural argument.

Free people can only tolerate and internalize so much frustration before it starts to come out. Specifically, because frustration is now palpable anger, the sense that screams freedom has become snarky, raw, unapologetic and now often vulgar.

Yeah, it’s a weird thing to find alignment with vulgarity, but when your life and liberty is on the line… well, you fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark – and you appreciate anyone that stands beside you.
October 2, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/02/if-politics-are-downstream-from-pop-culture-then-what-is-fjb-telling-democrats/

If  “F**k Joe Biden” bothers you, don’t watch this (salty language)

Oh, there’s more….

It’s growing….


It only took a whistle….


Comment/Opinion: Short, “sweet” and succinct !!!