Nothin extra

Here we have a Warrior back with his people

on leave that I don’t know

his dress blues is a sign everyone knows

just what kind of Warrior he is

while back with his unit, he won’t be dressed as that

he may have a small bit of tobacco in his ruck sack

the spirit world likes tobacco

this guy…. well this guy must be special


it’s all about me me me me

The Marine Corps granted Toor the ability to wear his turban, uncut hair and a beard in uniform, in accordance with his Sikh faith, unless he deploys to a combat zone

On Sept. 23, 1st Lt. Sukhbir Toor possibly became the first Marine to lawfully wear a turban in a Marine Corps uniform.

Him and the ” lawyers” who represent him said the accommodations mark progress, but do not go nearly far enough accommodate the Marine in his Sikh faith.

The accommodations he was granted, “effectively amounts to a denial … it’s almost asking someone to compartmentalize their identity,” said Giselle Klapper, his lawyer from the Sikh Coalition advocacy group.

the Real Ten Bears was Comanche

Still one of the best scenes in film history

no place for Beta males

this country has to many lawyers