Off the Path with Beaver balls

A fun fact :

American made products are not stranded aboard ships

Suppose to rain changing to snow tomarrow

the real feels at the moment 25 degrees

don’t care

If one is asking themselves what the hell is he bringing up Beaver balls for?

You’re only asking yourself because you are not a bow hunter

“Beaver Balls are an accessory that attaches to the bow and they help quiet your bow, “It’s two strips of fur that you intertwine with the string and when the bow goes off that deadens the sound. The deer doesn’t hear the sound of the bow going off.”

This Mike, Buck Lavassier nicknamed Mike… “Mountain Man Mike”

Buck is dead now, Mike is still known as Mountain Man Mike

He’s the one who brought the Beaver balls to market

Some background :

Mike Nowak of Channing started making his own fur hats and mittens. His business took off

when he received media attention including Discovery television program

The business has gotten to the point where he has to buy furs to meet the demand of his products. Although Nowak says he still is able to trap but not as often as he would like.

Couple of years ago, I had read about a Big city reporter had come to visit and write about what she discovered, “there’s a clear difference between the men who live in the towns and those who come in from the woods, those Men who come to town are big and burley resembling bears, saying very little when asked questions”.

When it’s 35 below with the wind howling sideways

it’s more common then not to see Men and Women wearing fur around here

not unlike this picture

THE MOUNTAIN MEN, Charlton Heston, Brian Keith, 1980, (c) Columbia

Beaver can and do much damage, such as flooding roads or felling trees across power lines it’s best to keep thier population in check while putting them to good use , such as keeping people warm during the long winter.

Take care of the land, the land will take care of you

Teddy Roosevelt once said

“the farther one goes into the wilderness the greater the attraction of lonely FREEDOM”

I tend to think in these terms

Don’t change land let the land change you

Those who don’t like hunters & trappers

I got something to say to you!

you’re dumber then a box of rocks because you don’t know jack

Sorry Brother for killing you

We honor your Cunning, your Courage, your Stealth

Thank you for another day of Life for my family and friends

I have taken fish from the river, birds from the sky

animals from the forest

I have trampled where the catapiller has walked

when it’s my turn to return to the good earth

may I nourish the Life that follows mine in what ever form it is

Like horses?

I like horses