Parents Gift Freshman…

This struck my funny bone. Through sheer accident, I have been in stores while parents were conducting college dorm shopping. It is a sight to behold..not in a positive way! This could be an excellent trend.

Parents Gift Freshman Daughter Prank Comforter-Pillow Set With Family Printed on Them

While one Arkansas couple’s daughter pursues a nursing degree in college, her parents want her to think of home, and they gave her a hilarious going-away gift to remember them by.

They might have gone too far.

David and Whitney Scott gifted daughter Emma a comforter and a pillowcase—the blanket emblazoned with a larger-than-life fabric printout of mom and dad, the pillowcase sporting her brother and dog’s head on it.

It was part housewarming for her college dorm at Harding University, and part prank—obviously.

Epoch Times Photo
(Courtesy of David Scott)

“She knew full well it was an embarrassing joke, but she also knows it was a gift of endearment that will become more meaningful (while still embarrassing) over time,” David told The Epoch Times.

The parents, who operate Whitney Scott Photography in Bentonville, started their venture to spend more quality time with their kids, and looked forward to moments when they could embarrass them.

“We knew the blanket and pillowcase would end up in her closet immediately after we left from drop-off at college,” David said. “We also anticipate it coming back out around midterms.”

Despite Emma’s dubious look, though, her parents suspect she’s just holding back pleasure.

“She was taken aback at first because it is quite garish, but we could see little smiles try to break through her otherwise stoic face because I think she didn’t want us to know she really liked it,” the dad said.

Epoch Times Photo
(Courtesy of David Scott)

The couple took some priceless photos after Emma found her gift (they made a game of hide-and-seek out of it), and then shared pictures of the fun prank with their friends on Facebook.

“We were surprised at just how many reacted to it,” David said. “Other sites picked up on it, as it demonstrated … the fun family was doing [it] to help balance out the emotions of sending their daughter off to college.”

Prior to opening their studio, David worked in a youth ministry while Whitney was a career counselor.

Of course, the parents gave their daughter a few other things, but they knew this gag gift was one she would “appreciate and enjoy,” while they got to check off one of those embarrassing moments on their parenting bucket list.

“That’s part of the joy of parenting!” David added.

Epoch Times Photo
(Courtesy of David Scott)