Quint crushed it

Me & Quint, much in common

So before you say


( which I heard before )

with added complaints concerning the stock pot

I don’t have sharks around here, so I use what got…. deer

but the process is the same boil & beach

Now Quint he sold his his bones to the tourists, unlike me , I make bone wind chimes to keep them at bay ever hear

bone wind chimes? they don’t sound whimsical at all. them soy bois hear them, they’ll be peeing thier pretty pink panties screaming something about Kansas while running away

Found myself kinda sorta and somewhat singin a sea shantie that Quint did as I stirred the bones

Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain;
For we’ve received orders for to sail for old England

   But we hope in a short time never to see you again
( I added the word NEVER )

What does the word NEVER sound like? for that we need to go the race track

turn it up

I don’t know if you knew this but!

when a pregnant Lady goes swimming she is like a human submarine for the child she is carrying

never know what you’ll learn while hanging out with me