So not fair Ladies

Imagine fellas

3 naked Women beyond beauty itself

where the eyes hurt and tongue refuses to form words

come up to you to settle some sort of hen house disagreement

” if you give me the apple, I will make you the King of all the world ”

as the speechless smuck was about to hand her the apple

the 2nd naked Woman stepped up

” but if you give me the apple, you never know defeat upon the battle field for no Man or weapon could hurt you”

just as the smuck was handing her the apple, the 3rd stepped up saying

” if you give me the apple you will know love with great passion ”

Here’s a visual of the smuck’s choice

Sheena Easton and piano

that’s a bonus 2fer right there

the Smuck’s name was Paris

The Iliad as transcribed by Chance

bonus material there was dude among the Greeks who was warned

“you leave to fight Troy, you will not return home for twenty years ”

there are 3 part’s of a Man’s Life one does not mess with