There’s gotta be a cheaper way

then 699.00 Plus shipping


4 interest-free payments of $175.00… plus shipping!

Talking about a heat imprinter with accessory pack

Additional Accessories

(Sold Separately) of course

Brass heat imprint sets and foil what does such a machine do?

imprint gold or silver on leather
cool stuff right there

Stopping by to see someone who I know that knows stuff

first words from his pie hole wasn’t Hi or hey man how you doin

” I thought you were dead “

Do I look dead, don’t answer that

look man, , I need to make my bladder my gladder

” that why you came here to use my facilities? “

No but it’s a good place to start

walks towards the bathroom in the far back

I’ve known this guy for atleast 35 years, he changes up his shrine from time to time

I see he’s got new reading material on the board

ever ask a stupid question?

we went up some stairs where every step creeked

hey man how old are these stairs ?

” bout 100 years old”

are they safe?

” So far ”

He bought the building mid 70’s

after going through 3 rooms a hall way and another room

hey man how many rooms this place got?

“I don’t know, I haven’t discovered them all ”

musta been up there for a good hour discussing stuff and possible alternatives to 699.00 plus shipping

his imbossing/imprinter was bolted to the floor so you know it’s been there awhile

so you know I wasn’t taking that home

He did give me some gold/silver foil to test stuff out

” Let me know how it works & don’t be a stranger eh “

I let him know, I cannot control the heat , burnt up every scrape of leather I tired

He has a sign above his door

If you love what you do it’s not really work

He’s a book binder by trade

If I knew a glass blower I’d be like

touching stuff, what’s this for, what’s this do?

showing up everyday getting in thier way

basically a shop pest

until I heard the magic words

grab that, bring it over here, and hold it

a sneaky way of learning stuff 🙂