We need some music

I could hear the wifey saying as she looked the truck

“I have overies “

that’s no reason to Ovary react you be fine get in the truck tighten up those bra straps

another possible observation one never knows if a Peaceful protest will be in the road

gotta be ready for anything out there

as in

And then there was Cody, 2 items about Cody average weight 102 pounds and he was kicked out of Iron County

under the threat of death by a judge

think of Marmaduke totally harmless but sacred to many joggers

Cody drowned when he was about 4 months old, after he was brought from the unknown he was never the doggie he was suppose to be

Had a State Trooper pull in drive Cody was on the hood

” Does the dog bite?” Well he ain’t bit me!

you be fine

Cody, what the hell is wrong with you

get off there

a good representation of Cody’s attitude towards Life

he loved to be in the truck

Driver picks the music

Shotgun keeps thier pie hole shut or gets out

Cody never once complained about my choice of music

Some Jeff Healey

“Be nice until it’s time not to be nice”

best line in that whole film

Not bad for one cup of coffee… I wonder what 2 cups can do 🙂