Gentlemen, attention please…. ladies
Ever ask yourself… ” I’m I cool?”
you may be cool, but are you dick out next to the Queen cool?
Settle down people settle down( lollolol )
if I was in charge of stuff
11/19/21 would be forever known as
Fuk around and find out Day
Lawrence Kansas is place Cory bush, the joyless reid has never heard of, along with many others
according to this fella speaking
Quantril and his raiders , they weren’t about a set of ideals
they were about causing trouble
the summer of Peaceful protests
one wonders how many were out there, not for a set of ideals simply to cause trouble
I need a coffee so you watch this until I walk to the stove
perked never dripped
( set in my ways )
Jessie James is said to have rode with Quantril as a kid
the mayor of Kenosha should be arrested for failing to do his job
Protect the people from the Tyranny of the mob
Can you just see THOMAS BINGER
going after the whole town of Northfield
3 sets of of Brothers …. The Long Riders
America will never be Australia