Has the time arrived

“Lost States,” an encyclopedia of alternative American geography, recollects the stories of more than 70 other possible American states, from ones that were vague glimmers in a madman’s mind to proposed and debated entities that truly might have been. It’s fun read


Thomas Jefferson’s little-known suggestion in 1784 to carve states out of the Great Lakes territory. In this scenario, the lower half of Wisconsin would have become a state called… ready, no you are not :) Michigania. Congress did not follow Jefferson’s map

“In my opinion, Jefferson’s states are better designed than the ones that exist today.”

Back in the 70’s there was a drive to make these woods known as Superior the 51st State

How would one go about doing that my plan may need a tweek here and there but over-all it’s a solid plan

First thing, we secede from troll land below the bridge which leads us to seceding from the United States

which isn’t so united these days

then we go on PMSNBC and declare WAR on the united states!

Then we run across the hall to to fox news the controlled opposition

and surrender straight away why would we go through all that trouble? well that way we can apply for

Foreign aid and free guns!

Fanciful thinking?

ponder this

See that spot of blue top left of the mitt, That’s the Little Traverse Bay indian tribe, all you need to know really is they an unhappy bunch unless they can make everyone else unhappy… then they are happy

a good guess of the trucker shortage is about 60,000 drivers

( my guesses are better then some peoples FACTS ) why such a shortage?

since the left has weasaled their way to legalize pot, people cannot pass a piss test!

The Great Storm of 1913 that hit lakes claimed about 250 people lots of ships wrecks as well

More people die from the cold then any other weather situation

witless witmer

the traverse bay bunch and LET”S GO BRANDON!

if they shut down Line 5 these woods will not be the only effected

Winter is knocking the door

8 day forecast

Heavy snowLight snowModerate snowHeavy snowHeavy snowModerate or heavy snow showersModerate or heavy snow showersPatchy light snow

Not sure if Scrounging is an actual MOS but Marines learn Scrounging as a practical servival skill

as in this example

Last year a camp had caved in from the heavy snow, they couldn’t get back there even on snowmobiles

to shovel the roof off

I took a ride with the owners and found very items that could be saved

I bought the Jungers for a mere 50.00

heavy bastard

I fired it up, works great! hauled it out to the Sugar shack

it’ll be used as a back-up for the back -up you know… just incase I run outta wood

speaking of wood, I was looking at the population density of my woods

4 people per square mile

I’ll translate that… I love trees 🙂

Short video of learning how to servive with a smile