Hea Marine…

I was walking into a place that serves real food, it’s then I heard that, thinking it was my cover

” what you needing man”

can you help unload picture from the truck?

” umm sure ”

Waking up is always a good thing

one just never knows what the day holds in store

case in point this is one of 2, was told the other had burnt up in a fire I asked 40s / or 50’s? wasn’t sure

but it’s thiers now

This is normal for these woods

not normal in d.c. D.C is abnormal

So while waiting for my cudighi sammiich

Mary the waitress asks

” Chance how do you stay so positive all the time?.

a song came to mind Mary I said after all violence and double talk

Just think Mary, one day I’ll be a memory for some people

I want it to be a good one

she left with the look of

I’ve never thought in such terms or she was puzzled … very good cudighi sammich I must say

a peek into the mind of Marines

blowing stuff up and having FUN doing it damnit!

I see some may dout the validity of our thought processes

Chrris never douted our Resolve

Out early I noticed tracks

that’s right… keep waddling that way I have a surprise for you!