Keep on Rock’en in the Free World

I have this problem, I’ve had it for like 50 plus years and then some what to give the ole gurl for her birthday that she hasn’t owned for 4/5 times over. Yesterday I asked her, what she would like, in her normal matter – of – tone ” want those sammiches you did on grill … ” what sammiches?

her mind is sharp as finely honed skinning knife and quick

“the ones you toasted and covered with mustard”

oh ok I can that for you this what she was talking about

you think it’s easy me… you have no idea, so I’ll dial you in , made the mistake of stopping at Armydog’s place after doing my shift with mother, I was like all calm.kinda sorta Got to his table which is basically ” ON GUARD JARHEAD ) His granddaughter was there, no sure if was having her first bleed or the hell her problem was , maybe she was practicing for when she got married later on. I’m just listening her go off about whatever while thinking….. scumbag gates and besos the bozo , 2 of the richest guys on the planet couldn’t keep thier wives happy, what chance does her future husband have. She came up to the table, Armydog says, jarhead you have any advice my grandaughter?

yeah… set my coffee down listen kid

Nobody gives a shit about your problems, nor should they Life fucks us all over in various ways you have 2 choices

cry like a little bitch and wait the magic change fairy to make things all better or get some courage utilize the resources around you, have a Vernors and carry the fuck on. with Doom music playing in your head

Deathly quiet

( just what I like )

While she went away, Armydog says ” how many cups of coffee have you have had”?.Including this one and four at mother’s … 5 total

” you won’t be having anymore here, you have had plenty” yaknow Armydog I tried drinking 8 glasses in one day , it’s not easy

having 5 cups of coffee goes does as easy as a fat kid on seesaw.

True to his word, I didn’t get another cup

ever get a phantom itch at times, they come around now and then

sometimes I just have to walk away before I fuck things up

workin on a Christmas gift, a wallet

Fishin in God’s country

Life don’t get better than that
still some work to do
tonight I get to play with the Barge’s glue!