
It has been ages since the last ‘malarkey’. Frankly, the nonsense that passes for government could provide us with daily malarkey. For this edition, race issues are at the forefront.

Only in America

Who: Ibram X. Kendi, the elite-revered, well-heeled peddler of racial discord. 
What: His now-deleted tweet not only instantly undermined his life’s work, but was also revealing of his instinct to/priority of demonizing whites. 

Don’t Trust Whitey
Andy Ngo: “Celebrity critical race academic Ibram Kendi tweeted out a story about how white university applicants identified as people of color for better treatment. He deleted the tweet after realizing it didn’t advance his argument of systemic white privilege.”

Necro Noamicon: “‘White kids are lying about being black so they can get into college’ doesn’t make the point Kendi thinks it does.”

Not The Bee: “Ibram X. Kendi deleted this tweet about college admission when people noted it undermines his entire life’s work of claiming America is rife with white supremacy.”

Making Matters More Militant
The Blaze: “‘I won’t be joining your minstrel show’: Ibram X. Kendi spurns offer to go on Larry Elder’s radio program” 

More Lucrative Than Popular
Asra Nomani: “With Ibram X. Kendi in the news, I thought you all would like to again see how ‘equity’ and ‘antiracism’ pays. ⁦@fcpsnews⁩ paid Kendi $20,000 for one-hour virtual call.”

When You’re A Hateful Hammer, Everything’s A Racist Nail
Chris Rufo: “This weekend: Terry McAuliffe used a black white supremacist as a campaign prop, Colin Kaepernick claimed that the NFL Combine is a slave auction, and Ibram Kendi said tweeting through a ratio is equivalent to resisting slavery.”

Dr. Henry Rose: “It’s weird to me that both Ibrahim Xylophone Kendi and Colin Kaepernick, both fabulously wealthy, are comparing their experiences as millionaires to slavery

“Nobody else think that’s an insult to people who are currently poor or in the past, you know, were actual slaves?”

Is it only me or has anyone else noticed the age disparity in the new racism? Much has been discussed about education (uneducation) indoctrination. The MSM would have you believe you are a white supremacist if you even suggest such a thing. From the many current ‘authorities’ in these discussions, they all tend to be ‘younger’. You rarely see individuals spouting this nonsense who are in their 40s and above. Of course, you continue to see the unreverends Jackson and Sharpton. You may think this is about ‘equity’ and the dire straits the black community is in. Truthfully, it is..