Mass Casualty Event as SUV Intentionally Drives into Crowd During Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin – Person of Interest Identified
A maroon Ford Escape intentionally plowed through a crowd in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Dozens of people are injured and reports of fatalities. Horrific video is emerging of the SUV deliberately driving into the crowd. Initial reporting of several people in the vehicle at the time. Media reporting a person of interest has been identified.
Details are sketchy as the incident is recent. However, given the recent controversy surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, many are speculating this was a revenge attack targeting a white audience.
UPDATE 8:27pm ET – One eye witness describes the driver as a “black guy with dreadlocks, by himself”
WISCONSIN – […] Angelito Tenorio, a West Allis alderman who is running for Wisconsin state treasurer, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he was watching the parade with his family when they saw the SUV come speeding into the area.
“Then we heard a loud bang, and just deafening cries and screams from people who are who are struck by the vehicle,” Tenorio said. “And then, and then we saw people running away or stopping crying, and there, there are people on the ground who looked like they’d been hit by the vehicle.” (read more)
WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) — There is at least one person dead and more than 20 more injured after an SUV drove through the Waukesha Holiday Parade route Sunday evening. Nov. 21.
Cellphone video captured a red SUV speeding through the crowd, hitting pedestrians and accelerating throughout the route. Authorities said multiple people were injured and at least one person died. (read more)

Driver of SUV In Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack Identified – Darrell E Brooks, Black Male (39), From Milwaukee Wisconsin
With three independent eye witnesses {link}, and now confirmation from New York Post journalist Karol Markowicz {LINK}, we can confirm the suspect who was driving the maroon Ford Escape was a black male named: Darrell Edward Brooks Jr, 39 years-old, from Milwaukee Wisconsin.

[Screen Grab – Video Source] – [Mugshot Source]
Darrell Edward Brooks [aka Darrell Eugene Brooks, aka Quinton Feilcein] was seen driving the SUV into the crowd. Twenty individuals were hit by the vehicle, some of them children. There are fatalities. Darrell Brooks was just released on a $1,000 cash bond November 19th, two days before his rampage. [Criminal Record Here]
Darrell Brooks was facing six charges related to domestic abuse, battery, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and resisting arrest.
Due to the race of the suspect and the likely motive, this was a race-based attack against white citizens in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in retaliation for the not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. It is almost certain the DOJ Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS) is now taking the lead on the case [SEE HERE].
Controlling information from local officials and media is what the CRS does with criminal cases that have a racial component. CRS is the only federal agency dedicated to working with community groups to resolve community conflicts and prevent and respond to alleged hate crimes arising from differences of race. {link} Hence, Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson told the media there would be no further comment until 1:00pm CT tomorrow.

Brooks posing in front of the SUV used in the attack – VIDEO SOURCE
Obviously, a black male suspect intentionally targeting a group of white victims is the worst case scenario for government and media who use race as a weapon to advance political ideology. Additionally, the media’s racist fabrications around the Kyle Rittenhouse case are a key reason why there is so much racial animosity. Government officials, politicians and media allies all used the Rittenhouse case to provoke racial strife. The attack by Brooks is a direct consequence of their conduct.
The delay in further press releases provides the DOJ-CRS crisis response unit time to take full operational control over the messaging related to the Christmas parade attack.
Local law enforcement will be “guided” by federal officers from the DOJ-CRS and FBI. Due to the sensitivity of the issues, the messaging will come directly from the DOJ-CRS through the local officials and public information officers. The Waukesha police chief is black, the CRS will make him the face of their words.
The CRS, also known as the “Federal Peacekeepers”, will bring faith-based leaders to the forefront now; it’s their pattern. The next appearance by investigative officials will contain preachers, ministers, and members of the faith community to try and blunt the racial motive. The media will demand healing and forgiveness for the attack.
Obviously the media and political hypocrisy will be thick. If the races were reversed, it would be a full frontal assault on white males. However, in this instance the narrative will be a demand to understand the mental frustration of a black male who has been victimized by the system and had no choice except to let out his anger.
The DOJ-CRS will also shape the information presented to media stakeholders who are also exposed by the motive of the attack. The DOJ, DOJ-CRS, FBI, special interest groups and Big Tech allies will all work together to protect the media and politicians who manufactured the crisis that led to the racial attack.
Here are the details on the suspect:

Initial public briefing by Waukesha Mayor Shawn Reilly and Police Chief Daniel Thompson.
The mayor notes he has been contacted by the feds.
This is the announcement after the Community Relations Service instructs everyone to shut it down. Note the CRS advice to have Thompson speak alone:
Here’s the killer and his SUV in one of his “rap videos”:
Comment/Opinion: We are lead to understand the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is aware of the incident…
“The FBI Milwaukee field office is aware of the reporting of an incident in Waukesha. The local and state authorities are leading the response,” an FBI spokesperson said.