Men… Listen-up

Ladies this pertains to you as well

CDC Admits It Has No Record of an Unvaccinated Person Spreading Covid After Recovering From Covid

In response to attorney’s FOIA request, US CDC admits that it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.

Lawyers smelling blood in the water

A study examining T cell responses in Covid-19 convalescent individuals published earlier this year revealed natural immunity provides better protection against the China virus than vaccination.

in a World where Men have been vaxxed , thier sperm damaged or dead

what’s a Woman to do if she really wants to have a family

that senario can be found in this film

the 2 Ladies have same emotional look about thier face

Lyndsey Marie says

“In like five, ten years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated —we’re gonna be hunted,” she warns. “It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood.”

applying a humorous thought to a something that has no humor about it

The “theory” is not complicated: Since – in the parallel universe of some lateral-thinking corona deniers – vaccinated men will soon be mostly dead, sick or sterile, the sperm of unvaccinated men is needed to ensure the continued existence of humanity.

The demand and the price would shoot up.

Above all, the notion, widespread among cryptocurrency fans, that the global economic and financial system is on the verge of collapse, keeps popping up. As a precaution for the end times,

“Unvaccinated semen is gold”

extra stuff

There are no teevee commerials for the clot shot in the United States because the US by LAW

they have to list the side effects

Have you noticed that after 60/70 years of fund raising

No cure for cancer

they still cannot stop the cold

yet! miraculously

ALL MAJOR COMPANIES found the cure for the CHINA -ROT

at the same time!

Here’s a picture that clearly shows

Girls just wanna have fun

Men… you know what do

Tread lightly