Well… it’s Friday

Who ya gonna trust

the Ladies or Alec Baldwin to LOOK in the ammo box

a blank looks NOTHING like live ammo

other stuff of importance

I highly dislike it when the voices in my head argue among themselves as if I’m not even there

so I just ignore them

a book from 1963 and one 2009 I was comparing tin foil cooking

not much has changed in tin foil cooking

while totally ignoring the racket from the voices

I found some recipes that look half way decent

I suppose I should take a moment and be serious about stuff ok I can do that

just think

the CHINA FLU escaped a level 4 bio-lab

but a leopard print face diaper will stop it

the place where Lady Liberty stands now requires papers to eat a frigging hamburger

I don’t like being serious

you won’t like me when i get serious

I don’t even like myself when I get serious

I cannot expect you to like when I get serious

so with that being said

Merchant of Venice

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come”


last item of interest

if you are feeling dead inside … go outside 🙂