” What you doin?”… lookin around

Stupid should hurt… hurt for a long time

texting & driving is up there on the stupid scale

that hurt? looked it hurt… GOOD

Chance… have any tips on Long life…


in the event of a tornado or alvalanche

place hot dogs and cheese slices in your pockets so the rescue dogs will find you first

I was knockin out some leather for a gift on the project table and outta no where Mia came to mind

you’ve known Mia for a very long time

maybe what you didn’t know

The Land o’Lakes mascot was named Mia. She was created in 1928 by illustrator Arthur C. Hanson and updated by Ojibwe artist Patrick DesJarlait in the 1950′s. Her clothing was a hide dress based on authentic Ojibwe regalia and the land depicted in the image is Red Lake, an Ojibwe territory in northern Minnesota where DesJarlait grew up.

Mia was removed from packaging in 2020

your culture , your heritage are not lost , they are running threw your veins

I’ll give you an example

awhile back I found myself in an elevator with a Woman tall she was, there’s a lot of Nordic blood running around these woods so that would explain her also being blessed greatly with large breasts. She was on her phone being the gentleman I am, I was merely glancing with no harm intended if you understand my meaning right about the phone said ” please touch one”

I was tempted by the offer instead I just said Boozhoo!

I could tell she didn’t understand a single word I said, that’s ok she made my day better

her smile looked as this

think in these terms

everything I was afraid of already happened to me so I don’t fear anything except to be found out by the Armydog

I was beat-up in an elevator by a Woman

I’d never hear the end of it

I come coffee not your opinion Armydog

Does it seem we are in a spiritual battle between Good and evil

so many people are choosing the side of evil because it’s easier

looks familiar

if He was needing a Saint, I would have born a Saint

stands up at the campfire

listen-up you Deplorable Colonial scum

raises up my coffee cup

Here’s to Cheating and Stealing!

fighting and drinking

If you Cheat, may you cheat Death

if you Steal , may you Steal a Woman’s heart

if you Fight , may you fight for a Brother

if you drink, may you drink with me