What’s your crayon favorite flavor

It’s Sunday

so I gotta nice

this is about as nice as I can get

There’s a miscommunication on why Marines love thier crayons

ever see a boxer eating a watermelon?

That’s how Marines view crayons

Never get between a Marine and his crayon

The lovely ladies of Alpha Delta Pi at UCLA. The invitations to the party were in the Sorority Secretary’s car when it broke down. A gentlemanly Marine of the 1st Division stationed in Camp Pendleton just to the South of LA helped fix her personal vehicle and have on her way.

Noting the Marine’s genteel charm, and dashing good looks, she handed him a flyer for the party with a personal invitation, hoping to see him again. He asked if he could bring a few friends. She was excited and said, “Sure. The more the merrier!”

That afternoon, never one to abandon his friends when an opportunity afforded itself, he invited all of 3rd Platoon to the girl’s fancy shindig.

“But what will we wear for costumes?” inquired one Lance Corporal.

Later that night at the party, the secretary longingly peered out the window of her sorority house, hoping for her Marine acquaintance’s arrival. The party was turning out to be a dud, which was such a disappointment. She and her sisters had collaborated on this lovely collection of matching costumes and, truth be told, she spent extra time on her make-up hoping he’d see. Now all she wanted was for him to liberate her from this horrible party.

But then, a rumbling far off in the distance came about that turned into a terrible roar. The bellowing of lifted trucks and their over-sized mufflers could be heard with the thunder of motorcycles filled the Greek quarter of the campus. Trucks pulled in and brazenly parked on the front lawn, flanked by Kawasakis on either side. From the massive trucks flowed whole squads of Marine infantrymen decked in full combat load.

The ladies of Alpha Delta Pi were about to be invaded.

After the initial shock of the new guests had calmed, the ladies discovered the Marines were the life of the party. Though the flack jackets were difficult to dance in, their natural charisma and the colorful stories they told made them the stars of Hallowpoluzza. The party was saved!

Then someone brought in the keg.

From this point on, the mood and tenor of the evening radically shifted. It gets rather lewd and often times, regrettable to tell. Fortunately, due to a MarAdmin issued by the Commandant of the Marine Corps following the event, and my own personal decency, I am not at liberality to tell you of the debauchery that ensued.

What I can say is that the ladies of Alpha Delta Pi were immensely pleased with the experience of hosting the gentlemen of 1/1 Weapons Company 3rd Platoon. And not just for the party, but the next several nights, as well. And while the soiree’s clean-up was horrific, it hasn’t stopped the sorority from inviting the boys of 1/1 back for many more such events. In fact, they’ve been known to invite them back to the house for no particular reason at all.

always carry a knife in case there is cake

or one meets up with a commieratbastard trying to take your crayon ( s )