A Christmas story you!

Always have a fall back position

I’ll explain

Was a cold December night when I heard ” I’m not loving on you very much right now “

Well it’s a good thing you still like me, gotta like a person before you love’m right 🙂

( fall back position right there )

During the summer she made mention we needed a outside hot tub

Great… just what I wanna do, sit around in my own swill, no thanks, I like the sauna which also has a shower. Trying to keep a Woman happy is no easy task, but Men we try, ain’t that right guys.

Found myself in the garage doing some wrenching when the Modine kicked on in October …. hot steam with fan

Idea time

Thing about Women, they know everything about everything what’s in a house and where it belongs damnit

outside is different 🙂 Went got me a water trough Brand new to, spared no expense

subfloor was 2×2’s with 1/2 copper tubing like a radiator, the floor was some left over knotty white pine I mooched from Dane at discount rate, he has a portable sawmill, cool guy he is, from behind garage I ran pipe to the Modine, instead of steam, I ran water, worked just fine. A week before Christmas, I told her, take your clothes off, get your boots we’re going outside. ” WHAT!!!” I don’t studder nor do I like to repeat myself, ( which I did ), and she did. Took her behind the garage, for the Ladies I can understand being outside with snow and being naked, might not be as much fun for you, that’s only because you are not seeing through a Man’s eyes.

Ain’t that right fellas

Merry Christmas, there’s your hot tub outside, took the boots off she jumped in, found the lawn chair, only thing exposed was her head, she was all kinds happy.

Told her in no uncertain terms I ain’t done with you

” what now ?”

11:30 at night, look up I said see that?

that’s Comet Leonard

it’s nickname is the Christmas star

She went quiet = Victory for me!

If you want to see the Christmas star, December is the time to go see it outside, depending on your location and weather, you should be able to see it with the naked eye. Best hurry though it won’t be back for 80,000 years

There’s old film with Gene Hackman

relating that story reminded me of Mrs. Charts

Mr. Charts

” All he does is sit around all day and listen to that crap ).


That “crap” happens to be George Gershwin

” Salior what’s that around your neck” “

a grenade , what about it