All things Male

Ever have a nun slam the key cover down on your hands saying…. you’re hopeless!

And singing, well I leave the singing to those who can.

Man has to know his limitations

Just because us Men are different, don’t make us wrong , we are Men so we are suppose to do things different then the Ladies. This is a good example to which I speak of. The kid was teething, so I was instructed to watch baby while she went for the oraljel, To told her, the kid don’t need that stuff, whiskey, the kid needs whiskey, it’s then I heard

” don’t you dare” I didn’t say it, I thought she knew she was talking to someone who grew-up in the

the triple-dog-dare zone

off she went to the store, as I went to where the whiskey, was she came back to find the kid quiet and all kinds of happy while hearing the Irsish Rovers unicorn song,

Toldja, the kid don’t need nothing but whiskey , you’re wasting money stop it

Maybe sometime I’ll tell you about time I stood up and said… the baby likes vulcanos… here…. I’m going fishing

this isn’t the time for such a story

Been times I’ve mentioned I knew about beer/whiskey before mother’s milk early on

if you don’t understand, I’ll help you out

turn it up

Let the world know I don’t accept ” science”

from people who claim a Man can be a Woman

I know you want to hear the album she’s about to spin

turn it up

music as always good while reading

Anno, I haven’t forgotten what day today is

December 7th

When I leave for the day it’s not doing a shift at mothers, some cooking along with other items

( snow removal )

it’s more like having a foot in world long ago while still having a foot in this world

she was born in 1922 you can do the math

today I’ll hear the story once again of December 7th through the eyes of young girl

Long Life a blessing or curse maybe both

the Knowledge you have is not yours

it’s been loaned to you

build on it

as to pass it on to those who follow you

so they do not forget

but rather to remember who they are