Breaking: Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

There are reports coming from Hawaii that the Japanese have attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor and Schofield army barracks.

The attack commenced just before 08:00 Hawaii time. Some 350 japanese carrier aircraft, broken up into two waves hit targets at Pearl Harbor, Ford Island and Hickam Army Airfield. Ninety minutes after it began, the attack was over.

2,008 sailors were killed and 710 others wounded; 218 soldiers and airmen were killed and 364 wounded; 109 Marines were killed and 69 wounded; and 68 civilians were killed and 35 wounded. In total, 2,403 Americans were killed, and 1,143 were wounded. Eighteen ships were sunk or run aground, including five battleships. All of the Americans killed or wounded during the attack were legally non-combatants, given that there was no state of war when the attack occurred. Of the American fatalities, nearly half were due to the explosion of Arizona‘s forward magazine after it was hit by a modified 16-inch (410 mm) shell.