Edgar, get out of my head

Well… it’s snowing and ten degrees

nothing to see here

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If people before us didn’t save newspapers or make diaries, Joesph Plum Martin or Anne Frank as examples there’s much we wouldn’t know of the past. Knowledge is knowing the past, wisdom is seeing the future. Big difference between knowledge and wisdom So with that mind, time to start work on new Journal, I can see my works will be a great source material in the distant future.

Last year’s journal was titled 2021 everything is all fucked up

This year’s title 2022

Everything is all fucked up the Extended version

Some interesting reading

DARPA’s definition of a Patriot extremist

“According to the Pentagon, fewer than 100 military members are known to have been involved in substantiated cases of extremist activity in the past year. But they warn that the number may grow given recent spikes in domestic violent extremism, particularly among veterans.”

Pol Pot’s thinking on extremism

” anyone who is educated “

They are purging the ranks


Knowledge and Wisdom are different items

Michael Fanone a d.c cop

I don’t feel like a cancer that needs to be cut out Michael

fyi I deleted spell check years ago
doesn’t mean teacher Brey didn’t teach me proper sentence structure along with punctuation

ohh yeah about Edgar

When the tapping persists, he opens the shutter of the window and discovers a raven, which flies into the room and lands above the door on a bust of Athena ( Pallas in the poem ), the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology. It says ” Nevermore ” to all his thoughts and longings. The raven, a symbol of death, tells the man he will never again ( ” nevermore”) see his beloved, never again to hold her- even in heaven.

Ole Ben had a son, and after the war, they never spoke again