Malarky – Media Echo

Just a few days ago, there was a thread on ‘conservatives’ creating their own media. The leftist are freaking out. In fact, they have malarkey going on using the exact same phraseology.

What The Echo?

You Mad, Bro?
Spud Stud Stelter: “Axios AM’s lead this morning: The right’s echo chamber is so much bigger than merely TV and radio. ‘Conservatives are building their own apps, phones, cryptocurrencies and publishing houses to circumvent the mainstream tech and media ecosystem…‘“

“Axios: the Right has an Echo Chamber
CNN: the Right has an Echo Chamber
NYT: the Right has an Echo Chamber
ABC/NBC/CBS: the Right has an Echo Chamber
MSNBC: the Right has an Echo Chamber
Facebook: the Right has an Echo Chamber
Twitter: the Right has an Echo Chamber”

Ben Domenech: “The cogs who spent decades maintaining the echo chamber are concerned with the construction efforts of those who live outside it.”

Mollie Hemingway: “The completely deranged and unaccountable lefty media no longer has narrative stranglehold over much of the country and they appear to be freaking out over it. Declining to consume their poor product and building other companies is not the same as ‘building an echo chamber,’ tho.” 

They told us over and over to start our own. We followed the advice and they are hysterical.