The Washington Generals come to mind

If you know about the Harlem GlobeTrotters

the generals got paid no matter what

they got paid

from the Grindhouse

I was a keg party deep in the woods, not talking a single keg here , more like 25 /30 kegs such parties were not uncommon, so now you know the envron the statement was made

” I don’t vote, never have never will tell me why I should vote”

well you do get to bitch about stuff when you vote

” you ever hear me bitching anything?”

well no

We were discussing the particulars of ” ELF”

no, not this elf

The US Navy’s Project ELF, previously named Sanguine and Seafarer

as if they change the names of things, people won’t notice…. am I rite… right…

Let’s go to the grindhouse

the list of the the republiCANT”S who voted YES on H.R 500

Legislation brought you by Phizer

H. R. 550, the government would provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund “immunization system data modernization and expansion,” a system otherwise defined as “a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.”

Bacon (Nebraska)

Baird (Indiana)

Banks (Indiana)

Barr (Kentucky)

Billirakis (Florida)

Bucshon (Indiana)

Burgess (Texas)

Carl (Alabama)

Carter (Georgia)

Carter (Texas)

Cheney (Wyoming)

Cole (Oklahoma)

Comer (Kentucky)

Crenshaw (Texas)

Curtis (Utah)

Davis (Illinois)

Diaz-Balart (Florida)

Dunn (Florida)

Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania)

Fleischmann (Tennessee)

Fortenberry (Nebraska)

Gimenez (Florida)

Tony Gonzales (Texas)

Gonzalez (Ohio)

Graves (Missouri)

Guthrie (Kentucky)

Herrera-Beutler (Washington)

Hill (Arkansas)

Hinson (Iowa)

Hudson (North Carolina)

Huizinga (Michigan)

Jacobs (New York)

Johnson (Ohio)

Joyce (Ohio)

Joyce (Pennsylvania)

Katko (New York)

Keller (Pennsylvania)

Kim (California)

Kinzinger (Illinois)

Kustoff (Tennessee)

LaHood (Illinois)

Lesko (Arizona)

Letlow (Louisiana)

Long (Missouri)

Lucas (Oklahoma)

Luetkemeyer (Missouri)

McCarthy (California)

McCaul (Texas)

McClain (Michigan)

McHenry (North Carolina)

McKinley (West Virginia)

Meijer (Michigan)

Miller-Meeks (Iowa)

Moore (Utah)

Murphy (North Carolina)

Newhouse (Washington)

Owens (Utah)

Palazzo (Mississippi)

Palmer (Alabama)

Pence (Indiana)

Price (North Carolina)

Reed (New York)

Reschenthaler (Pennsylvania)

Rodgers (Washington)

Rogers (Alabama)

Rogers (Kentucky)

Salazar (Florida)

Schweikert (Arizona)

Smith (New Jersey)

Smucker (Pennsylvania)

Stauber (Minnesota)

Stewart (Utah)

Thompson (Pennsylvania)

Turner (Ohio)

Upton (Michigan)

Wagner (Missouri)

Wenstrup (Ohio)

Westerman (Arkansas)

Wilson (South Carolina)

Womack (Arkansas)

Young (Alaska)

a group who has given themselves exemptions to the clot shot while making you take the clot shot one way or another and getting paid to do so!.

how about some Steelers Wheel

you want to know about the party am I right?… rite

it all started out with a single pony keg between 3 guys and a generator to play music… over the years word had gotten out there was a party in the woods, so people started showing up which required more kegs. The last party was held at the Champion Horse pulling grounds

Champion Horse Pulling, Mud Drags and Demo Derby with camping close by

final numbers for the last beer party were close to 8,000 people which requires a lot of kegs of beer 100 plus kegs of beer

no fights no gun play no stupid syht

just people having a beer outside with a lot of beer 🙂

funny thing about beer, without a drop of whiskey anywhere in sight one can still get whiskeydic


no babies were conceived at that party

the state wisconsin is known to enjoy thier drinking

remember this… we taught them everything they know

Something Congress as a whole has no understanding of

but they know best how we should live our lives
I think not