What is with these people

Forcing individuals to take this experimental and potentially dangerous vaccine against their will would be in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code which was established in 1947 in the immediate wake of the horrific medical experiments and human rights atrocities by Nazis during the Holocaust.

A leading cause for the code’s creation was the Nazi’s sickening performance of medical experiments on subjects without their consent. These procedures, typically performed under the command of high-ranking officials such as Dr. Josef Mengele, were some of the worst and most deranged ever documented.

 Since then, full and proactive ongoing consent for any medical procedure has been required by law in western nations that recognize the Nuremberg Laws. 

The only way countries in the EU would be able to get away with forced vaccinations for this mild virus, which is an extraordinarily unethical and atrocious violation of human rights, is to do away with the Nuremberg laws, or just ignore them completely.

Michael P Senger@MichaelPSengerShortly after Austria became first country to make COVID vaccines compulsory, EU chief Ursula von Der Leyen calls for dispensing with the Nuremberg Code and making vaccination mandatory across Europe.

Here’s Ursula last month with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

There’s an old paperback book around here somewhere, that some may have read

books are always better than the film


probably because it’s quiet

Gregory Peck came to mind

Thinking twice is more then plenty , if Europe cannot get thier shyt together that’s on them

we’ve plenty of problems right here at home

I dout many will come to our aid

Some music history concerning ABBA

Lebensborn means Spring of life in German. However, this word received a much more malevolent meaning in the time of Nazi Germany. The Lebensborn program was a notorious Nazi project, which tried to increase the Aryan population. They used various inhumane methods, including state-sponsored breeding and abducting of children from Nazi-occupied countries such as Poland, Russia, and Yugoslavia.

Anni-Frid Lyngstad was of Lebensborn