What The Heck – Joe Biden Shouts at The Audience,…

What The Heck – Joe Biden Shouts at The Audience, He Wants Americans To Pay Even More For Gasoline

This is nuts.  The White House occupant doesn’t have any idea what they are loading into his teleprompter at this point, he just shouts it at the audience as if it’s supposed to make some kind of bizarre sense.   This doofus is totally off his rocker.  What does this even mean?  WATCH (20 seconds):


I’ll look for a more expanded explanation as to what this idiot is supposedly saying.  Good grief, what a knucklehead.

This stuff is just nuts.  This guy is truly a meme of himself….
December 8, 2021 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/12/08/what-the-heck-joe-biden-shouts-at-the-audience-he-wants-americans-to-pay-even-more-for-gasoline/