Year: 2021

  • Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle May …

    Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle May …

    I spent quite a lot of time attempting to condense the article. After much frustration and thought, I am posting it in its entirety via Red State.

    Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle May Have Been Intentional
    Nick Arama for Red State Aug. 17, 2021 3:15 PM ET

    During his speech yesterday, Joe Biden angrily blamed everyone else for the collapse in Afghanistan, including his predecessor, President Donald Trump, saying that he had to comply with the deal Trump had worked out, despite the fact that the Taliban had breached the agreement and despite the fact that Biden himself had tossed aside so many other deals that Trump had worked out.

    But Politico has a great story that completely blows all this apart. The story basically indicates that this debacle was intentional — that Biden always intended withdrawal, nothing to do with Trump, and to heck with our allies.

    They noted on the Afghanistan pullout, for example, Biden overruled his top military advisers and ignored the near-unanimous view of the Washington foreign policy establishment.

    From Politico: 

    It wasn’t a new position. While Biden championed nation building in Afghanistan in the early years of the war, he had turned against it long ago, as George Packer reported in The Atlantic earlier this year:

    “By the time Biden became vice president in 2009, the disastrous war in Iraq, the endemic corruption of the Afghan government, and the return of the Taliban had made him a deep skeptic of the American commitment. He became the Obama administration’s strongest voice for getting out of Afghanistan. In 2010, he told RICHARD HOLBROOKE, Obama’s special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, that the U.S. had to leave Afghanistan regardless of the consequences for women or anyone else. According to Holbrooke’s diary, when he asked about American obligations to Afghans like the girl in the Kabul school, Biden replied with a history lesson from the final U.S. withdrawal from Southeast Asia in 1973: ‘Fuck that, we don’t have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.’”

    Incredible. So he wanted to get out for years, and he believed he would be able to just pull out in a blind withdrawal without reckoning for the allies. Just as, in fact, he did, in the disaster we’ve been witnessing. He just thought he could get away with it, as he says there, because, in his opinion, others had in the past. Now, it makes sense why he ignored Afghan pleas for months, why he left any real actions to the last minute. Because he just couldn’t give a darn and it was always in his calculus to leave them high and dry.

    This is not just Joe Biden incompetent. This is Joe Biden evil. He wasn’t avoiding Vietnam comparisons, he was using a Vietnam comparison to think that he could do what he did and get away with it. He pulled out without a real plan because he never had a plan. The plan was to just pull out and abandon them.

    Now he’s mad that he was wrong yet again, mad that we actually care and are demanding answers, mad that he does in fact have to account for people.

    Since this debacle began, there have been news snippets alluding to his ignoring advice from military and foreign service advisors.
    I found it interesting that nary a single advisor was in the background during his speech; no military, no state department, no NSC. Usually, they are lurking in the background.

    As an FYI, he spent a total of approximately 90 minutes in DC; arrived, gave speech, returned to Camp David.

    I have been astonished the US press has been as been asking serious questions during this fiasco.
    None of them have been as direct in their estimation of Xiden’s fitness for office as …

    Alan Jones at Sky News in Australia calls a spade a spade. 

    Biden is utterly unfit to be the President of the United States and it blows my mind how world leaders like Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson ‘suckup’ to such an intellectually berift individual.

  • Inaction is Action

    Inaction is Action

    “Those with Responsibility have the Responsibility to fix what’s wrong “

    Mike 30 Pence had his moment in History to do what was right

    John Roberts is about self-interest not National interests

    the consequences of thier inaction

    Chinese State Media Outlet Says US Will ‘Abandon’ Taiwan, Too, ‘Once a War Breaks Out

    A Chinese state mouthpiece reacted to the fall of Kabul to the Taliban Monday by saying the crisis has dealt a severe blow to U.S. “hegemony,” and suggesting allies like Taiwan should be careful about placing their trust in the U.S.

    “Taliban’s rapid victory embarrasses U.S., smashes image, arrogance,” stated one headline in Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) orga

    Kabul to the Taliban Monday by saying the crisis has dealt a severe blow to U.S. “hegemony,” and suggesting allies like Taiwan should be careful about placing their trust in the U.S.

    “Taliban’s rapid victory embarrasses U.S., smashes image, arrogance,” stated one headline in Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organ.

    It published an editorial contrasting the U.S. commitment to Afghanistan and its commitment to Taiwan, and concluding that if it “abandoned” Afghanistan, then the ruling pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan should “wake up from their dreams.”

    “From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the [Taiwan] Straits, the island’s defense will collapse in hours and the U.S. military won’t come to help,” Global Times opined. “As a result, the DPP authorities will quickly surrender, while some high-level officials may flee by plane.”

    Know you’re taliban

    China views Taiwan as a rebellious province that will be reincorporated into “one China” eventually, by force if necessary. The U.S. is committed under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act to protecting the island democracy from unprovoked aggression, and to providing it with military aid.

    Last March, the outgoing commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Philip Davidson, told a Senate panel that China’s threat to Taiwan could become “manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years.”

    The CCP paper warned that U.S. military intervention in the Taiwan Strait would require much greater determination than it displayed in either Afghanistan or Vietnam, and would cost it “a huge price.”

    “[H]ow many lives of U.S. troops and how many dollars would the U.S. sacrifice for the island of Taiwan?” it asked rhetorically.

    China Foreign Affairs University as saying the U.S. departure from Afghanistan was a “warning to the Taiwan secessionists, or, rather, a forecast.”

    The paper’s editor-in-chief posted a mocking tweet saying Taiwanese officials should secretly buy Chinese national flags so they can take them out to wave when the People’s Liberation Army captures the island.

    “After the fall of the Kabul regime, the Taiwan authorities must be trembling,” tweeted Hu Xijin. “Don’t look forward to the US to protect them. Taipei officials need to quietly mail-order a Five-Star Red Flag from the Chinese mainland. It will be useful one day when they surrender to the PLA.”

    Hua said that China stands “ready to continue to develop good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation with Afghanistan and play a constructive role in Afghanistan’s peace and reconstruction.”

    Wang hosted a Taliban delegation for talks late last month, and said afterwards that “the Afghan Taliban is an important military and political force in Afghanistan and is expected to play an important role in the country’s peace, reconciliation and reconstruction process.”

    a song I like

  • Welcome to Wednesday, 18 August Conversation

    Welcome to Wednesday, 18 August Conversation

     Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

    served with 

    I lack knowledge of how many, if any, among you fine people may be motorcycle aficionados. If you are, some may have concerns about riding as you become older. You need not have any concerns.🤓😎😂

    It is doubtful *president Xiden ever seeks wisdom from previous leaders. Had he done so, Mayhaps a Charles Degaull thought would have been appropriate.

    “Faced with crisis, the man of character falls back on himself. He imposes his own stamp of action, takes responsibility for it, makes it his own.”

    A happy Wednesday to all!
  • Malarkey-Kamala


    Very little has been heard from the Vice President. Of course, that is probably a good thing for Xiden. The way things stand today, he does not need another fumble. It would seem there is an effort afoot to rehabilitate her image.

    Happily Ever Aftering With Kamala

    Manufactured, Force-Fed Hero Worship 
    It may be August, but the elite elves are busy toiling away in the workshop, manufacturing the latest line of liberal hero worship on the heels of the recent Cuomo product recall. Thus far, consumers are not buying it, so the elves may again be compelled to force-feed this one.

    Cackles of Our Hearts
    LA Times’ columnist Noah Bierman recently explored VP Harris’ divisive laugh: “But the laugh that’s proved the most polarizing is one that some observers argue is not a laugh at all. It’s her reaction, often seemingly inappropriate in the moment, when Harris is asked a question she doesn’t like. She laughs, and it’s hard to tell whether she is doing so to deflect, to signal she thinks the query is dumb, or both.

    “Alice Stewart, a Republican consultant who has worked on several presidential campaigns, complained, ‘It’s the obvious attempt to evade a question. And she often gets away with it.’”

    Life Imitating Satire

    Axios, August: “A group of the Democratic Party’s most influential women met for dinner at a home in the nation’s capital last month to game out how to defend Vice President Kamala Harris and her chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, against a torrent of bad press.

    “Why it matters: It’s telling that so early in the Biden-Harris administration, such powerful operatives felt compelled to try to right the vice president’s ship.

    “Harris had been hit with a series of damaging press accounts, with leaks from administration officials questioning her political judgment and describing rampant dysfunction in her office.”

    “Another source familiar with the dinner said attendees saw sexist overtones to the Harris coverage, and discussed how they could ‘make sure the press knows this.’

    “‘Many of us lived through the Clinton campaign, and want to help curb some of the gendered dynamics in press coverage that impacted HRC,’ this source said.” 

    Babylon Bee, July: “Looking for help anywhere they can get it, Democrats in their desperation have turned to Hillary Clinton to coach Kamala and teach her how to be more likable. 

    “‘First things first Kamala,’ explained Clinton. ‘Next time you’re tempted to cackle uncontrollably, just call half of the U.S. ‘a basket of deplorables’ instead. Sure it’s divisive and unpopular, but it’s a step in the right direction for you.’” 

    LA Times’ InstaShrine
    Glenn Greenwald shared how the LA Times is doing their share to wear us down: “The LA Times, which is a real paper, has an official Instagram pagedevoted exclusively to ‘covering’ — i.e., worshipping — Kamala Harris. You have to see it to believe it. It’s like a creepy fan shrine that a 12-year-old builds for a pop star.”

    The question is; the Devil we know as President or a cackling knees Kamela?

  • The More Things Change. . .

    The More Things Change. . .

    The more they stay the same.

    We’re all familiar with that old saying. Well, I found something today that proves that old saw true.

    It seems that one of the State Department helicopters used in the evacuation of the Kabul embassy was used in another famous embassy evacuation. An aviation intel fan on twitter found the connection.

    CH-46 BuNo 154038 was used by the Marines as part of Operation Frequent Wind, the evacuation of the US embassy in Saigon. The tweet above has photos of BuNo 154038 on the flight deck of the USS Hancock during Frequent Wind.

    In 2012 154038 was transferred from the Marine Corps to the State department aviation division.

    A quick note on how we know for sure it’s the same airframe. When an airframe enters government service it is issued a Bureau Number. That number does not change. The Phrog pictured above, a CH-46E operated by the US Department of State Air Wing with the registration N38TU, has BuNo 154038.

  • Closer to home

    Closer to home

    Joe biden isn’t stupid

    he has DEMENTIA

    People who voted for joe biden are STUPID

    I betcha even the dead people who voted for joe biden are turning over in thier graves

    C = ontrol





    how Manipulation works

    1. Fear… do this or something bad will happen to you

    2. Flattery… do this and you’re a good person

    3…. Bribery… do this and I’ll do something for you

    4. Violence… do this or else

    by the way we’re at step 3

    It is NOT the government’s job to protect my health

    the government’s job is to protect RIGHTS of the People

    it is my job to protect my health

    words from long ago

    ” when you trade Liberty for safety you deserve neither “

    Outside the box

    this Regime told those fleeing Tyranny from cuba they will be turned away

    create a situation where people will be brought in under the guise of

    ” we must save these people”

    islam by any other name is still ISLAM

  • Welcome to Tuesday, 17 August Conversation

    Welcome to Tuesday, 17 August Conversation

     Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

    served with 

    Technology provides a wide variety of fonts. The two most used went out for a beverage. It did not go well.🤓😎😂

  • Malarkey-Againistan


    I normally post Malarkey on Tuesday or Thursday. With the events occurring in Afghanistan, I am adding one today.


    There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan….The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” 
    -President Biden, 7/8/21

    Mujahideen Mess Malarkey 
    Well, that escalated quickly. So where is everyone? The President is MIA, even by our diminished standards. The VP reportedly refuses to be the face of another mess. And the Press Secretary’s out-of-office reply is on. 
    Matt Mackowiak observed: “Everyone is on vacation except the Taliban.” 

    Any Time Now…
    Clemson Tom tweeted: “Yo @POTUS I know you’re on vacation and enjoying those ‘chocolate-chocolate chip’ flavor ice cream but we’re gonna need you to circle back and handle this #Taliban issue. Sorry to bug you on vacation.”

    CNN: “President Biden is expected to address the nation in the next few daysabout the crisis in Afghanistan, an administration official says.” Update: “Sullivan declines to confirm that POTUS will address the American people today, says we can expect to hear from him ‘soon.’” Jake Tapper’s not amused. Savannah Guthrie’s not having it, either.

    When You’re Accustomed to Media Protection…
    It seems WH JV squad didn’t anticipate that anyone would study this supposed proof-of-life photo like it was a friggin’ Highlights Magazine picture with a tricycle in the tree and toothbrush in the flower bed.

    The White House website shows a press speech will begin. No doubt none of this is this administration’s fault. That mean tweet person caused it all. 🤔🧐🙄🙄🙄

  • Radio check -Charlie Foxtrot over

    Radio check -Charlie Foxtrot over

    In less than a week, Afghanistan has fallen. How could this happen so quickly after US officials assured everyone that the Afghan military was fully capable of defending the country against the Taliban?

    the level of corruption within the Afghanistan military and the government, that is part of how the Taliban won a lot of this, is they paid the commanders off to surrender a city before. So those who genuinely do want to fight – and there are a lot of men that wanted to genuinely fight – they were basically kept in the dark and ANA commanders were paid off by the Taliban in advance to surrender the city. They were just left with, you have no choice but basically to run.

    The level of corruption that’s enabled the Taliban to come back into power is just mind-blowing. It’s mind-blowing to see that and to see all of the weapons that have now gone into the Taliban’s hands when the Afghan army runs away

    leaving weapons we payed for

    mr. taliban now has javelin missles as well as the OS for Strykers along with other vehicles

    they also have in thier possession CROWS systems

    an F-15 flight simulator was left behind mr. taliban has that to

    the black market in Iran will be a busy place

    reminds me much of the 2020 election

    how many in this country got thier fair share of the pie to install biden

    not sure why the Do Long bridge came to mind

    “G.I fuck, you fuck G.I”

    get the roach, get the roach man

    ” hey soldier, you know who’s in command here”?


    it was outpost of insanity and chaos

    wait… yes I do, this current Regime is insane

    thier middle name is chaos

    I’d bet you a buffy nickle

    you never thought you would find common ground with the WORM

  • Welcome to Monday, 16 August Conversation

    Welcome to Monday, 16 August Conversation

     Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea

    served with