Cold air, warm water effect right there, at 14 below, take some boiling water and toss it in the the air outside, see real science happen. At the moment it’s a 11 below, to which I don’t care. Fun fur fact, While fur keeps Men warm, it makes Women purrr. File that under ” Balance ”
Wolf keeps the heat in, greatest loss of body heat is through the head

All this talk about social distancing, they talk as if it’s something new, trust me… it’s not a new thing.
Being COLD can also be a mindeset
After watching this intire video
there’s nothing I do for them there is something I can do for myself
I know that it is hard to witness the inhumane behaviors of millions of people right now…but I actually find clarity in it…because now you know who would have your back and who wouldn’t….and trust me in a war situation…you will want people to have your back…we are weeding out the weak ones… for in war…there is no place for weakness…there is no place for emotions…its about surviving….so if even for a moment…someone demonstrates that they don’t have your back……walk away… don’t look back