Gather around Brothers for story & song

It’s 35 below zero out here!!!!

” is there a problem I’m not aware of Numbnutz “?


” I didn’t think so ”

And no, I didn’t exclude Women, I did have the 8th fold in mind

The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor our mother, for whom it flies on Mother’s Day.

Different field, same mission

The season of discontent is upon us once again, upon us all.

I don’t know if you seen this poll of sorts

If you are unvaccinated, 55% of Democrats want to fine you, 59% want you confined to your home, 48% want you fined or imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy, 45% want you forced into “designated facilities,” 46% want you digitally tracked, and 29% want to take your children. Have you noticed that all the things these weak psychopaths want require the use of force…not their personal force, but a paid brut squad should be used to force your compliance with their diseased deluded gibbering.

Everyone knows of the Boston Tea party, the War didn’t start overnight

I am sure you heard this song yes?

” look at his eyes.. Everyone just say yes”
