Hate & Evil are not the same

That is a medicene wheel with eagle feathers

this is the international symbol of medicine

Rod of Asclepius,

the Caduceus

Cataract surgery ,a thin needle was pushed through the eye to break up the cataract and the remaining pieces suctioned out through a long tube. The Romans performed many surgeries back in antiquity. Some of thier have been upgraded yet remain pretty much the same. Some good learning to be found here.

Ancient Roman Surgery Tools and Techniques

it’s a curious thing that all symbols for medicine contain serpents… why?

The Greek word for “sorcery ” is pharmakeia from which we derive the word ” pharmacy “

if not mistaken, Revelation 18:23 states

do correct me if I am wrong

” for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived”

There’s been much good from the medical field to make Life better for all, the people with the knowledge of healing, it takes a special kind of person to perform such cool stuff along with those who help to achieve good results.

But those two… they would have filled the halls of Unit 731 with laughter

How to attack the US with a bio-weapon?

use infected fleas, sent aloft across the ocean with balloons

the killer of humans and dogs Fauci comes to mind