According to the media, Biden has a scandal free administration. 🤔😲🙄🙄🙄🙄
Custom-Made Reality
onathan Turley headline: “‘A Scandal Free Biden Administration’: The Media Celebrates a Year of Free From Political Scandal and Press Scrutiny
“With the conclusion of the first year of the Biden Administration, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain sought to end on a high, or at least higher, note by retweeting a column saying that 2021 was not ‘all bad.’ It was like bragging that a first date told you that the evening could have been worse. However, what really stood out in the column by Albert Hunt was the key rationale: the first year was ‘scandal free.’ Calling 2021 ‘scandal free’ is not merely an example of blinkered commentary, it is an exercise of willful blindness.”
“There is ample reason for the White House and many in the media to celebrate the lack of scandals in the Biden Administration because it was a collective effort.”
“If there is no coverage, there is no scandal. That is certainly an accomplishment worth noting, but hardly worth celebrating.”
How They Get There
Christine Rosen headline: “The hypocrisy of media censors’ claim to be against misinformation”
“There is a new scourge befouling the media landscape, one that our self-appointed mandarins have declared themselves eager to combat: misinformation.”
“It is true that misinformation has taken on greater significance thanks to the scale and speed of the social-media platforms that spread it. But the new sanctimony about misinformation should be leavened with some healthy skepticism about the movement’s major actors.”
“As Bernstein noted, in some sense ‘the disinformation project is simply an unofficial partnership between Big Tech, corporate media, elite universities, and cash-rich foundations.’ The crusade against misinformation is an approximate mirror image of Donald Trump’s war against ‘fake news.’”
“Control of information is control of one of the most valuable commodities in the developed world: people’s attention. And people want their confirmation biases affirmed. But scholars and commissioners studying misinformation also suffer from confirmation bias. Contra the proposals made by panels and commissions on misinformation, the most radical thing we could do right now isn’t to give more power to elites or the federal government to control information.”
There is a meme for the media.