
On and off for two years, children have been relegated to ‘Zoom’ education.
They have been locked down from participating in usual interpersonal activities in school and outside school.
It is the teacher’s unions who have foisted this horror on children, and the media has gone along with it.
With the rise of child mental health issues and suicides, they now are changing their position. Of course, to hear their reports …well…see for your self their malarkey.

Elites’ Election Year Education Epiphany 

Pivot Underway
David Leonhardt NYT headline: “No Way To Grow Up; For the past two years, Americans have accepted more harm to children in exchange for less harm to adults.”

“American children are starting 2022 in crisis. I’m not sure that many people fully grasp the depth of it.”

David Axelrod: “The Chicago Teachers Union is about to vote to walk out rather than return to classrooms amid Omicron surge. I hope every teacher reads this column. What our kids have suffered thru long absences from classrooms already has had a devastating impact.”

FOX headline: “MSNBC panel pummels ‘failure’ of remote learning, asks why ‘conventional wisdom’ took so long to agree”

Townhall: “Fauci Says Its ‘Safe Enough’ for Schools to Reopen While Teachers Unions Push for School Closures”

Psaki: “We want schools to be open, the President wants them to be open…”

Not Buying It
Matt Walsh reply: “We do grasp the depth of it. We’ve been saying this for two years but people like you ignored us and now you’re pretending this was some kind of epiphany you had on your own.”

“Millions of parents across the country have expressed frustration and despair throughout the pandemic at remote learning and its harm on their children. Last year, media outlets like the New York Times and Politico framed the debate over school reopening in partisan terms, accusing Republicans of pouncing on it as a political wedge issue.”

Common Sense Aggregate: “No crap, some have been saying this for a year but were branded as terrorist. This will most likely be my 1 issue vote in ’22. D’s and unions must be held accountable”

If parents vote this as their main issue, it is very likely the potential landslide is larger then can be imagined.