Return of the Ghost bird

With the windchill, it’s 15 below zero. To give some insight to the danger that is outside

32 to 16 (Low Risk)

14 to -17 (Moderate Risk)

-18 to -38 (High Risk) 10 to 30 minutes

-40 to -52 (Very High Risk) 5 to 10 minutes

-54 to -65 (Severe Risk) 2 to 5 minutes

-67 and colder (Extreme Risk) less than 2 minutes

An air temperature of 0°F with a wind speed of 15 mph will produce a wind chill temperature of -19°F. Under these conditions, exposed skin will freeze solid ( frostbite ) in approximately 30 minutes.

Now you know what’s on the other side of the door, keep your wits about you or you just might end up dead

It’s this weather that allows me to see the snow owl, walking around outside there are times I can feel eyes on me…. ahh there you are ghosty, hard not to smile when seeing such birds. Some may know while may not so be patient. When an owl shows up in your yard think terms of a Spirit animal.

Meditate in silence an darkness for a few mintues each evening for the next few days and see what is revealed to you. Be alert to any deception on the part of others, whether they’re aware of it or not, and look closely behind any guises that they might wear. This is a ripe period to tap into intuitive wisdom that’s available to you. Quietly observe your environ, watching and litsening for signs and omens that will give you answers to any questions you may have. Now is the time for prophecy, and you will see, hear or feel events before they actually happen. It during this time your most creative cycle happens at night. So set aside some time in the evening to work on any projects you may have in mind.

If the choice was between Stealth or Speed which would you choose

I prefer the former over the latter